NEXT SEMINAR:CEBU PHILIPPINES when covid restrictions are lifted

11th generation HNIR
Information from Nippon Budokan
home page is mainly about the Hyoho or Heiho as it is now
called of three Ryu. The Hyoho Niten Ichiryu. The Kageryu
and the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. Included is various information
about these ryu. A lecture and talks given by Imai Masayuki Nobukatsu
10th Soke of the Hyoho Niten Ichiryu on understanding one
of Miyamoto Musashi's ambiguous works called Gorin no Sho and translated extracts from the book, Explanations of Dokkodo.Two
translations of books by Iwata Norikazu Sensei - Holder of two
Menkyo Kaiden of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu He was clearly recognized
as one of Japan's most senior leading authorities on the ryu.
information of Japan's only remaining longsword ryu the Kageryu.
of the Hagakure Kikigaki.
All translations and most of the photographs, many personal property are exclusive to this site and will infringe copyright if they are used without permission.