Everything includes logic,
technique, theory etc. These elements can be investigated deeply and intently.
However it is almost impossible to comprehend everything at the same time.
There are essentially two ways of rationalising things. One is sharp mentality
the other through physical activity. To logically comprehend things and
to physically experience things, both are essential if we want to advance
in technical ability. This book is analytically written based on my teachers
tuition and my own experience So not sure if it will be approved of by
all that read it. Therefore I would appreciate it if this book was used
as a significant guide.
From August 1957 onwards
for 20 years I was given generous instruction by Yamamoto Takuji Sensei
(a student of the 17th Master Oh-e Masamichi). I think I managed to memorize
the complete background of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu of Tosa. Which
is the reason I am writing this book. To reintroduce the original forms
and techniques, just in case the style is changed in future.
Writing minute technical
details may present an oversight. However I will do my utmost. I take
full responsibility if there is any misinformation. It is of the utmost
importance that I leave the information which I have received from Yamamoto
Sensei, Mori Shigeki Sensei, Fukui Harumasa Sensei (19th Master), Takaoka
Den Sensei and many other members of the preceding generation. Also I
would like to pay my special respects and gratitude to Mori Sensei a close
friend of the 18th master Hokiyama Namio Sensei, Fujimura Yoneji Sensei
of Kagawa, Imo-o Taketoshi Sensei and members of Kagawa Roshukai.
When we decide to examine
the continuity of an Iaido Ryu, there is more than one path to choose
1, Keep to the original or
originators method and theory and comply to it without question or hesitation.
2, Disregarding the history
or background of a particular Ryu, simply train according to given instruction.
Above are briefly are the
two major classes. I have chosen the first one It is straightforwardly
possible to trace technical development back to the period of Master Oe.
In between The originator Hayashizaki Jinsuke and the11th Master Goto
Masataka there are no detailed records available except for a list of
numerical order and a very brief explanation of techniques.
Direct student of Oh-e Masamichi, studying under him 7 days a week for
7 years, during the latter period of in the life of Oh-e Sensei.
2, M0RI SHIGEKI Sensei. He
was a student of Oh-e Sensei from 54 years of age until he passed away.
Signifying that he inherited the spirited technical method of Oe Sensei.
3, FUKUI HARUMASA Sensei (19th
Master) TAKAOKA DEN Sensei. Associates who studied Muso Jikiden Eishin
Ryu for many years under Oh-e Sensei.
I studied under these teachers
to reach the level of Hanshi. Through training under them, I realised
the importance of understanding the hard work by Oh-e Sensei had done
in formulating the techniques of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu.
From 1964 onwards for three
years I wrote my sentiments in a the Nihon Budo newspaper and asking readers
for opinions.
Even amongst my teachers opinion
sometimes diverged. Perhaps because their own tuition was in a different
period during the life of Oh-e Sensei. Unavoidably Sensei himself may
have altered things corresponding by age and experience. For example he
formulated an updated Koryu and clearly established other forms. He also
created Henka-waza/Kae-waza (alternative techniques). There were some
differences amongst the aforementioned teachers. However etiquette in
the Dojo was exactly the same as Oh-e Sensei had taught. His influence
must have been powerful and austere.
Nevertheless I am writing
this book without the experience of direct tuition from Oh-e Sensei. Therefore,
I shall be looking forward to receiving some readers opinions and criticism
for the future development of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu,
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